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Updated to 6/28/2021

Table of Contents

Create a spreadsheet of USULP Historic MARC records for Shelf-Checking


  1. Open MarcEdit (but not MarcEditor),

  2. Click on Tools; Export; Export Tab Delimited Records, and browse to Desktop to find the historical GPO file; changing File Type to All Files.

  3. Browse to the Desktop and name the future spreadsheet, then click Next:

  4. Type in each field needed for shelf-checking (and later matchpoints) and click on Add Field:

    • 086 a (Sudoc)

    • 245 ab (title)

    • 264 bc (RDA pub info)

    • 260 bc (pre-RDA pub info)

    • 035 a (matchpoint for later)

  5. Then click on Export.

  6. Open Excel; navigate to the tab-delimited file; changing File Type to All Files; then formatting as usual; save as an Excel Workbook file.

  7. Check if there is any data in 260$bc column & merge with 264$bc if there is any text, or delete, if there is none.

  8. Send shelfcheck spreadsheet with the Marcive GPO load email for the other Marcive loads and loading spreadsheets.

  9. Track in Airtable Base: Marcive GPO files and go ahead and attach the USULP file there.

  10. Attach a copy of the Marcive USULP file and spreadsheet on the shared site as backup.


Select records to export from a GPO Marcive Historical File.


  • Once Government Information has sent the updated Excel spreadsheet showing owned titles, open the from file, as we will be loading only those that we own (with exception of bound-with or already cataloged docs).

  • Open MarcEdit; Tools; Select MARC Records; Extract Selected Records.

  • Down in Source MARC File, navigate to the File:

  • In Search, select Field and Field# and in Display Field choose either 245 or 086 if titles are not differentiated, and click Import File.


  • Referring to the


  • checked spreadsheet, click the box next to Record Number to select only owned titles:


    • Image Added
  • Image Added
  • Click on Export Selected;


  • and answer NO when asked if you wish to Delete the titles from the source file


  • .

  • Name the file something easily recognizable:

    • USUL1909-HistoricalFile-Owned

      • Optional: open the file in the MarcEditor to make sure all is well, and take a look at the titles to make sure no mistakes were made,

      • using Find All: =245 and again, compare to the Excel


      • shelf-checked file:

    • Image Modified

10. Compile the owned historical file of selected titles into MARC: USUL1909-Historic-ownedDONE.mrc
