400/410/411/440 Series Name/Statement
These fields are obsolete and should be deleted from the record. The most common of these obsolete fields that you will see is the 440 field, which was formerly used when the series name/statement listed on the item was the same as the series name in the 130 field in the authority record.
440s should be changed to a 490 1 _ ; and a matching 830 _ 0 field should be added.
490/830 Series Title Statement – Traced/Untraced Uniform Title – Series Added Entry
The 490 field is for the transcription of the series name/statement as listed on the item. The 490, in most cases, should be accompanied by an 830 field, which is designated for the series name as it is given in the 130 field of the series authority record.
Check the format of the 490/830 fields. Remove any commas (,) and x subfields (ISSN) from 830s. And, ifthere is a volume number included in the series statemententer it in a subfield v. If the word volume, or the abbreviation vol. precedes the number put a v. in front of the number and enter both in a subfield v.
830 _ 0 Winston Churchill memorial lectures ; ǂv 1973–1974 (dates as volume designation)